Over the last few years, the working situation for many people has changed completely. For some, this has meant a switch from being in the office 9-5 to hybrid working or even being based permanently at home. While these shifts have proven to be beneficial for many in...
Child Custody
3 extra costs for teenagers that can cause co-parenting disputes
In many ways, raising teenagers is more hands-off than caring for younger children. Teenagers are largely capable of meeting their own needs and following basic rules, unlike younger children. However, there's a trade-off for the reduction in the direct supervision...
When can you modify child custody orders in California?
There is a reason child custody orders are not permanent. A substantial change in the child’s or parent’s life in the future may warrant a revision of the existing order, which is why the law allows modifications. Therefore, with sufficient reasons, a court can modify...
Reasons why you should consider mediation for your divorce
The process of divorce and child custody is challenging for any couple to go through. Especially when assets and children are involved, it is crucial to understand the process and what is coming if you divorce your spouse through the traditional court system....
2 things to consider when discussing custody of teenagers
Parents must ensure they have a parenting plan that’s suited for their children. Many parents don’t stop to think about how the parenting plan will need to adjust as the children get older and more mature. Those who have teenagers at home will need a parenting plan...
3 factors that should strongly influence your custody choices
When you and the other parent of your children decide to call it quits, you have the option of settling your own custody issues outside of court. The two of you can determine what would be an appropriate division of your parenting time. You can also create a basic...
Watch for signs that your divorce is impacting the children
Children thrive on consistency, which is why many take it so hard when their parents divorce. This major life change can make them feel uneasy and unstable. It’s up to the parents to help them feel better about what’s going on. One of the best things you can do when...
2 ways parents can improve their communications after divorce
While divorce can end personal interactions between ex-spouses, you will still need to communicate with your co-parent. When two people share children, they must coordinate to parent them cooperatively. If you are on reasonably good terms with your ex, you may...
What to focus on when you’re divorcing and expecting a baby
No one envisions a future where they’ll be going through a divorce while they’re pregnant. However, that’s the way it sometimes works out. While some couples may decide to stay together when they learn that they’re having a baby, others determine that they don’t want...
How will my home affect child custody?
If you are looking to seek custody of your child, where and how you live matters. A judge will want to be sure that when your child lives with you, it does so in safety. You and your co-parent are unlikely to have identical living circumstances after divorce. Yet, one...