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Long-distance parenting tips to consider

On Behalf of | Dec 2, 2024 | Child Custody

People who go through a divorce or end a romantic relationship sometimes decide to move to a new area. This might be for a fresh start, a new job, or a host of other reasons. While some people can do that easily, people who share children have to think about how they will be able to parent over a long distance. 

Long-distance parenting isn’t always easy, regardless of which parent moves. These situations have unique challenges, but there are options available that can make things less stressful for everyone involved. 

Find ways to implement technology

Technology makes it easier to keep in contact with your children than what was possible years ago. You can use video chats, text messages, phone calls and similar options to communicate on a regular basis. You can use the time with your child to read stories, play games, watch movies or spend time together doing things you both enjoy.

Plan in-person visits

It’s not always feasible for the child to travel from home to home, particularly during the school year. If possible, consider working with your co-parent to have visits with your children in between their visits to your home. This could be over a long weekend or for special events. 

It’s a good idea to have the terms for this put into the parenting plan so both parents know what to expect and how they’re expected to support the children. Working with someone who can assist you with including the points important for long-distance parenting is critical.