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What happens during the discovery process of a divorce?

On Behalf of | Jan 4, 2023 | Divorce

The discovery process is a crucial part of any divorce proceedings. As the name suggests, the discovery process involves unearthing relevant information about the marriage and the divorcing couple.

There are several stages involved in the discovery process, and it is necessary to understand what to expect during each of them to ensure you are well prepared. Here is what you need to know about this crucial stage of your divorce.

The discovery process explained

The first step in the discovery process is formal disclosures. Here, you will need to provide a wealth of information about your finances, such as bank statements, evidence of property value, title deeds of property you own and financial documents.

Next comes interrogatories, where you will answer a series of questions about your marriage, criminal history, instances of domestic violence and employment, among others. These questions are answered under oath, and it is advisable to be forthcoming with the truth.

There are other stages in the discovery process, although not all of them must happen. They include deposition of facts, requests for production, depositions and subpoenas, all aimed at providing further information.

What happens if someone lies?

You may be tempted to hide some assets during the discovery process of your divorce by not disclosing them. However, it is not a good idea. You risk facing legal and financial penalties for lying to the court. It can also influence other decisions regarding the divorce against you.

Divorce is already an emotionally draining experience, and navigating the legal red tape can be overwhelming. Therefore, it is in your best interests to consider having experienced legal guidance to protect your interests and help guide you through the entire process.